The signs, names and logos of UNESCO WFUCA have been legally registered, and that are used totally, partially or that turn out to be similar in degree of confusion, without corresponding authorization, incur the prohibition provided by section VII of article 90 of the law of industrial property, as well as article 6 ter of the paris convention for the protection of industrial property, an officially recognized international organization, therefore it cannot be used by third parties without the corresponding authorization of the legal owner of the trademarks: FEDERACIÓN MEXICANA DE CLUBES , UNESCO CENTERS AND ASSOCIATIONS and the WORLD FEDERATION OF CLUBS CENTERS AND ASSOCIATIONS IN AMERICA. The owner of a trademark can use it for himself or grant the use of it to third parties through contracts such as licenses and receive in exchange the payment of royalties, as a non-profit civil association and for global humanitarian aid.
Likewise, the trademark registrations 1984212 correspond to the FEDERACIÓN MEXICANA DE CLUBES, CENTROS Y ASOCIACIONES UNESCO (WFUCA México®) and the trademark registrations 2116426 WORLD FEDERATION OF CLUBS CENTERS AND ASSOCIATIONS IN AMERICA® (WFUCA®), prohibits any sign used that it turns out to be similar to a degree of confusion or that it seeks to distinguish similar services, the foregoing based on article 90 section XVIII of the industrial property law of the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property.
Using elements protected by trademarks (CopyRight © or Registered Trademark MR®) without permission or authorization in writing from the legal representative of registries 1984212 and 2116426, as stipulated as an international crime that incurs the prohibition provided by Article 90, section IX, of the industrial property law of the constitutive instrument of the world intellectual property organization (WIPO), was signed in Stockholm on July 14, 1967, Vienna code 26.01.05, 07.01.08 , 07.01.12, 27.05.01, 27.05.05, 27.05.10, 29.01.04.