UNESCO Clubs, Centers and Associations are groups of volunteers of different ages and socio-professional status who become activists at the service of UNESCO’s WFUCA ideals.
These clubs take a position on global issues with local repercussions and thus contribute to the process of reflection on social priorities. This movement testifies to the growing role of civil society around the world and the influence that citizens can exert on socio-economic decision makers. The 3,800 Clubs, distributed in more than 100 countries, have three main functions: training, information and action.
Although the UNESCO name WFUCA appears in the titles of the different Clubs and their federations, it does not mean that the Organization is in any way responsible for their activities.
Clubs must be able to carry out their activities in their own way: UNESCO has not been involved in their creation or development. The different Clubs are financially and legally autonomous, therefore responsible for their own operation, but UNESCO can provide intellectual, financial and / or material assistance for specific activities that it considers particularly relevant.
In addition, to secure external funding, many Clubs turn to UNESCO National Commissions, ministerial departments, local communities and certain national or internationally oriented bodies, as well as companies, foundations and individuals. UNESCO helps to strengthen the impact of the Clubs by fostering cooperation with the programming sectors, field offices and the Organization’s main networks, such as Associated Schools.
The World Federation of Clubs and Associations of UNESCO, manages the economic resources for sustainable projects of the UN priorities, generating its own resources through in-kind or economic deductions, these taxes being 100% deductible, as well as obtaining and donating resources through social events, donations and social supports.
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